Evidence Based Birth® Classes
A research-based, comprehensive, and interactive class for learning all things birth
About Evidence Based Birth®
Join me and other soon-to-be parents who want to know the latest research evidence about birth in this hybrid series that combines pre-recorded weekly videos with 6 weeks of live, interactive classes. This program dives deep into various birth topics including: stages of labor, comfort measures, relaxation practice, advocacy and birth planning, birth interventions, breastfeeding/chestfeeding, newborn care, and more!
Evidence-Based Birth® is a cutting edge, comprehensive program that will support you and your chosen birth companion in feeling exceptionally informed, practiced, and empowered for your birthing time. During the series, you have the opportunity to read, practice, and watch videos weekly. You are encouraged to bring your questions and thoughts to class each week and to make class time work for you. This class is for anyone who desires any type of birth.
Class Tuition
Option 1: Standard Class $275
Entire class series
3 months unlimited access to online part of class
Access to Emily until support is no longer needed
Option 2: Premium Class $335
Entire class series
6 months unlimited access to online part of class
Printed workbook with over 100 pages of guided notes, relaxation practice, EBB handouts, and more sent to your home
Access to Emily until support is no longer needed
-Receipts available for possible insurance reimbursement.
-Deposit due at registration.
-Balance due before 1st class.
-Contact me to pay via Zelle or Venmo with no processing fee.
What does tuition include?
Evidence-Based Birth® student workbook
5 weeks of online videos for you and your chosen birth partner
Unlimited access to the EBB student center for your choice of 3 or 6 months
Includes bonus materials on newborn care, acupressure, Black birth and advocacy, and more!
2 tickets for each of 6 virtual class sessions for you and your chosen birth partner in a small class setting with individualized attention
Access to Evidence-Based Birth handouts and signature articles on various birth topics
Mentorship from Emily, an experienced birth educator, doula and lactation counselor
One virtual one-on-one meeting before your birth to discuss your birth plan and any other questions you may have
Note: I am happy to work with you regarding payment. I believe all families should have access to childbirth education.
Unlimited text, phone, and email support before, during, and after birth
Start Dates for
Live Virtual Series
1. Thursdays, March 21-April 25 @ 5:30pm ET (registration closed)
March 21 & April 25: 5:30-7:30pm
March 28; April 4, 11, 18: 5:30-6:30
2. Mondays, August 5th-26th & Sept 3rd & 9th @5:30pm ET
Aug 5 & Sept 9: 5:30-7:30pm
Aug 12, 19, 26 & Sept 3: 5:30-6:30pm
(registration closed)
Want to chat before registering? I'm happy to connect. Contact me here.
Birth Doula Clients Take $50 Off Class Tuition
Pairing this class with another? $50 Off Class Tuition
Class Content
Understanding fear around childbirth & the power of language
Toolkit for managing pain and anxiety while increasing comfort
Deep breathing and visualization for birth
Relaxation practices for you and your birth companion
Stages of labor & what to expect
Comfort measures
Partner Support
Local community statistics & what this means for our births
Understanding various important birth topics & the evidence behind them:
Due dates
Big babies
Group B strep
Labor rehearsal for you and your birth companion
A detailed understanding of acupressure
Informed consent and refusal
Choices during labor
How to ask questions
Ways to avoid birth trauma
Caring for a newborn
Sleep, diapering, feeding, swaddling, common issues